Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Why are Hollywood movies so popular Do you think Hollywood movies are Essay

Why are Hollywood movies so popular Do you think Hollywood movies are the representation of US imperialism Or the representation of universal values - Essay Example It is suggested that undeveloped societies subscribe to value systems and institutions that hinder the development process. (Van) The modernization first appeared in the 1950s, even raised in the 1990s.It has grown significantly making the world a global village. With the presence of the members of the fourth estate. The 1960’s saw a great push for social change. Movies during this time focused on fun, fashion, rock n’ roll, societal shifts like the civil rights movements, and transitions in cultural values. It was also a time of change in the world’s perception of America and its culture, largely influenced by the Vietnam War and continuous shifts in governmental power. The modernization theory explain how society progresses through the adaption of new technologies, economic growth, improvement in living standards and infrastructural development, literacy and cultural development, national identity development. (Anonymous) Historically, the legend of Hollywood began in the early 20th century and it has become an earmark of modern American society rich in history, innovation and technological advancement. The origin of movies and motion pictures began in the late 1800’s, with the invention of â€Å"motion toys† designed to trick the eye into seeing an illusion of motion from a display of still frames. This revealed a significant use of technology. According to the modernization theory, there was greater shift in the social change that was brought by the advancement in technology. By the end of the 1980’s, it was generally recognized that films of that time were intended for audiences who sought simple entertainment, as most pictures were unoriginal and formulaic. (Anonymous) Therefore, many studios sought to capitalize on advancements in special effects technology, instead of taking risks on experimental or thought-provoking concepts VCR’s were still popular at this time, and profits from video rentals were higher than the sales of

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